Jenelle Donegan1. Why did you decide to join a fitness centre?

I was not happy with myself I was unhealthy and had gained a lot of weight. I hated having to do things like get dressed up and go out.

2.Why did you choose Pure Fitness?

So I could train with my sister who was already having weightloss success and a member of Pure Fitness.

3.What are the things you most enjoy about training here?

The people, the trainers and variety.  RJ and Mark create an environment where training isn’t a chore each and every session is different and pushes me. I have also created relationships with the people I train with, training with friends makes those tough sessions bearable and they help motivate me and hold me accountable.

4.What has been your biggest achievements since you have being training with us?

I have lost 22kg which was over a quarter of my body weight when I started.

I am the happiest, healthiest and fittest I have ever been.

5.What are your future health and fitness goals?

I am no longer focused on the number on the scale. I am now hoping to build lean muscle and tone.

6.What personal interests do you have away from fitness i.e. family, sports and hobbies?

I play netball and spend a lot of time with my family and friends.

7.What would you say to anyone thinking about joining Pure Fitness?

Go see RJ and do it joining the gym and signing up to Boot camp is the best decision I have ever made.