

Ready for a change?


Do you wish you could change something about your life right now?

I’m here to argue that change can happen in an instant.

I know this goes against popular thought. Most people believe that change has to be worked at for months or even years. We expect to try and fail numerous times before we ultimately give up or succeed.

How many people do you know who struggle with their weight? They want to make a healthy change by getting in shape, but the change never seems to take hold.

Is there something in your life that you want to change? Do you have weight to lose? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a pair of pants that you wish you could fit into?

What is keeping you from making a positive change in your life?

According to professional speaker and author, Tony Robbins, it’s the getting ready to change that takes time. In the end there’s a single instant when the change occurs. Robbins goes on to outline three specific beliefs that you must have in order to instantly create a lasting change.

Belief #1: Something must change.

Do you sort of want to get into shape, or do you absolutely have to lose the weight? Does dropping a few kilos sound nice, or is living another day in your current body unbearable? In order to make a lasting change you must be convinced that the time has come.

Belief #2: I must change it.

It is vital that you take full responsibility in making the change. Sure, others may assist you, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to need this change enough to make it your personal mission—no one else will do it for you.

Belief #3: I can change it.

Don’t let past failures get in your way. The truth is that you do amazing things when you put your mind to it. Believe that you are capable of losing weight or making any other positive change in your life.

Why do most people fail to make lasting change? They leave it up to willpower. This works for awhile, but you’ll always revert back to what’s comfortable. The solution?

Change what you’re comfortable with.

You’ve probably heard that humans are motivated by two things: 1) to avoid pain and 2) to gain pleasure. When you want to change a behavior pattern the key is to associate pain with the behavior that you don’t want and pleasure with the behavior that you do want.

You know that you want to lose weight and that to do so you need to quit eating comfort food late at night. You also know that you need to start exercising on a regular basis. Up until this point your brain is trained to associate pleasure with eating comfort food late at night and to associate pain with exercise.

It’s time to retrain your brain to feel good about exercise and to feel bad about eating late at night. Think about all of the negative things about being overweight and connect these unpleasant thoughts to your late night snack.

Now think about all of the wonderful things about being in shape and connect these pleasant thoughts to exercise.

You are capable of making a big change in your life. Start by calling or emailing me for your no obligation fitness consultation.

Remember, change can happen in an instant.

By |2016-11-30T09:46:29+00:00July 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Creamy Low Fat Tuna Salad



Most recipes for tuna salad call for fat-filled mayonnaise, but this recipe uses fat free Greek yogurt instead. You get all the creaminess without added calories to set back your results.

Servings: 5

Here’s what you need…

  • 2  cans wild albacore tuna, packed in water
  • 1 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
  • 2 Tablespoons champagne mustard
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed, plus more for garnish
  • dash of freshly ground pepper
  • 1 green apple, shredded
  • 2 cups green cabbage, shredded
  • 4 cups organic mixed greens
  1. Drain the tuna and flake in a medium bowl. Add the yogurt, mustard, dill and pepper. Mix until creamy and well combined.
  2. Add the shredded apple and cabbage. Mix well.
  3. Arrange mixed greens on plates, then use an ice cream scooper to place the tuna mixture. Sprinkle with dill weed.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 140 calories, 1 fat, 210mg sodium, 13g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 20g protein.

By |2016-11-30T09:47:47+00:00July 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

These 7 habits separate the fit from the flabby

Personal trainer helping young woman in gym with crunching exercises



Many people ask me how to quickly and easily get fit. While I know they are hoping for a simple answer, the reality is that getting and staying fit is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

So what do fit people do in their “healthy lifestyle”? Take a peek with the following 7 Habits of Highly Fit People…

Fit Habit #1: They Don’t Buy Junk

Fit people know that if they keep junk food in the house they will eat it sooner or later. So they don’t buy any. Even buying junk food for your kids or spouse is not advised since 1) you’ll likely eat some of it eventually, and 2) your loved ones shouldn’t be eating that junk either. It’s called junk for a reason.

Rid your home of chips, cookies, lollies, baked goods, pre-packaged snacks and anything else that belongs in a vending machine. Replace the above with fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and other healthy whole foods snacks.

Fit Habit #2: They Have Priorities

Fit people make exercise a priority. Along with keeping a job, paying the bills and going to the doctor, exercise is an important part of their lives. What I’ve found is that fit people put exercise before leisure time. Sure, fit people enjoy leisure, but it is scheduled around their workout time.

Treat exercise time with the same importance that you would a business meeting or trip to the dentist.

Fit Habit #3: They Stop When Full

Fit people stop eating when they feel full. Sound simple? It is, but how many times have you stuffed yourself simply to clear your plate? Or how many times have you eaten another piece of cake despite being stuffed?

The next time you feel full, take it as a sign to stop eating. Yes, even if your plate isn’t empty.

Fit Habit #4: They Push Themselves

Not only do fit people make time to go to the gym, they challenge themselves during each workout. While it is easy to simply go through the motions while exercising, you’re cheating your body out of great results when you don’t push yourself. Exercise should make you sweat, make your muscles burn, and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.

Find ways to make each workout more challenging. For competitive people, the best way to push yourself is to exercise with a friend of similar strength. Another great way to challenge yourself is to set small attainable goals. These goals could be to push heavier weight, to sprint longer, or to do cardio at a higher intensity setting.

Fit Habit #5: They Don’t Eat and Watch

Fit people know that eating in front of the T.V. is mindless eating. When your attention is on your entertainment and not on your food, then you’ll be less tuned in to what and how much ends up in your mouth. Eating in front of the T.V. is also very habit forming. Ever notice how you crave munchies just as a reflex of sitting in front of the T.V.?

Eat before or after your entertainment and pay attention to what and how much goes into your mouth.

Fit Habit #6: They Drink Water

Fit people drink lots of water. And not just in addition to other beverages, but instead of them. Water is their main drink, while other drinks are occasional treats. Calorie-filled drinks are one of the quickest ways to consume excess calories which quickly turn into fat.

Consider water your beverage of choice. Drink plenty of it each day and drink other beverages only a few times each week.

Fit Habit #7: They Are Supported

Fit people don’t leave their motivation to chance. They know that if their personal trainer, boot camp instructor or workout partner is waiting for them, then they are less likely to skip a workout. It is so easy to hit snooze or to talk yourself out of the gym as soon as your behind hits the couch after work. Fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation.

Want instant support? Call or email me today to get started on your own customized fitness plan.

I hope that these habits have inspired you to make a change for the fitter in your own life.

If you already do some of these habits then congratulations – you are on your way to a better body. Make an effort to incorporate the rest of the habits to take your results to the next level.

If none, or very few, of these habits describe your lifestyle, then I’ve got good news – you now have 7 effective new habits to start that will get you some awesome results. Don’t try to tackle all 7 at once – pick one or two to add each week and gradually work up to all 7.

As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan.

By |2016-11-30T09:58:24+00:00July 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments



Have you ever seen a really impressive “before” and “after” weight loss photo?

You may not realize it but that could be YOU! You already have everything you need in front of you to transform your body, and it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today.

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from sport…

Be the next “Before” to “After” transformation.

You are in your current shape because, until this moment, you’ve been OK with it.

Oh I know you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit—but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept.

Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Feel the emotion

It has been said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to personal transformation. Just like those folks in the “before” pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

Get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you’re ready to lose weight and get fit.

Step Two: Decide What You Want

Without clarity you’ll never get where you want to go. Now that you’re emotional about the body you have, decide what the body you can accept look at.

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your “after” picture and focus on that every training session.

Step Three: Take Action

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and taking action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action—there is always something that you can do immediately.

Take action by emailing or calling me now to set up a fitness consultation.

I am here to take you from your “before” picture to your “after” picture.

By |2016-11-30T10:00:04+00:00July 6th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Greek Omelet Waffles


Here’s a fun way to eat your eggs – cooked in a waffle maker! In this recipe the subtle flavors of Greek omelet are served up in a convenient waffle shape – complete with Kalamata olives, feta cheese, roasted red bell peppers, chicken sausage and broccoli. This is the perfect recipe to enjoy for brunch or to make on the weekend and portion out for a week of quick on-the-go breakfasts to grab and enjoy on your way to work.

Servings: 4

Here’s what you need…

  • Olive oil spray
  • 6 eggs
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ¼ cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • ½ cup roasted red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • ¼ cup Kalamata olives, seeded and chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh broccoli, chopped
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 chicken sausages, chopped
  1. Preheat your waffle griddle on medium-low heat. Spray generously with olive oil.
  2. In a large bowl combine the eggs, milk, feta, bell pepper, olives, broccoli, sea salt, black pepper and chicken sausage. Mix well until fully combined.
  3. Transfer ½ cup of the omelet batter into the waffle iron, close, and cook until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and continue cooking the remaining batter in ½ cup scoops. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 279 calories, 18g fat, 6g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 18g protein.

By |2016-11-30T10:12:01+00:00June 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Whats Your Flat Abs Plan


One of the most frequent questions that I’m asked is, “How can I get great abs?”

You may have pondered this question at some time or another.

Many people are frustrated by their stomachs, to the point of giving up after doing dozens of crunches with zero improvement.

It’s time to forget everything you’ve heard about how to sculpt your abs.

Quite simply, crunches alone won’t give you a six pack.

Doing crunches with the hope that it will transform your abs from flabby to muscular is to believe in one of the most widely held fitness myths. I’m talking about the spot reduction myth.

Training one area of your body will not specifically burn fat from that spot.

Are you training as if spot reduction worked? Doing dozens of crunches in the hopes that layers of fat will disappear?

Sit-ups, crunches and planks will not flatten your abs.

But a drop in overall body fat will do that for you.

So you want the secret to great abs?

The secret is a winning combination of fat burning cardio, resistance training and clean eating.

It is fully possible for you to dramatically shape up your waistline.

Yes, Y-O-U.

My clients routinely lose weight and transform their bodies. You can do it too.

Answer the following questions to see how your current routine measures up:

How often do you exercise? If your answer was anything less than 4 times a week, then that’s the first thing getting between you and flat abs.

How do you define a fat burning workout? A routine including intense cardiovascular training coupled with effective resistance training. Do you do this?

I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, but walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes isn’t a fat blasting routine. Neither is a leisurely 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. The truth is that you can dramatically increase your results while investing less time when you exercise right.

Cardio exercise is all about maintaining an effective level of intensity. This doesn’t mean that you should be out of breath or gasping for air. It does mean that you need to push yourself.

Resistance training is the second key part of a fat burning workout. This means working your major muscle groups against resistance in a way that stimulates your metabolism. Again the key here is to find the right intensity and to keep each muscle group guessing.

Do you eat a clean diet? Diet is a big stumbling block for most people—especially as it relates to their midsection. Here’s a fact: If your diet is out of control then your abs will be too. You can’t trim your waist without trimming the junk out of your diet, regardless of how hard you exercise.

  • Keep calories in check. Do you know how many calories you eat? The best way to find out is to record everything you eat for a few days. Tally the number of calories that you eat each day and do an evaluation—feel free to recruit me to help out with this part. Together we’ll chart improvements for your diet and adjust your calories for maximum results.
  • Just say “No” to junk food. While this may seem obvious, your definition of “junk food” may need an alteration. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the junk food world—it is found in soft drinks, blended coffee drinks, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks, and other sinfully sweet treats. Processed fat is another monster. As a rule of thumb you can safely view all processed or refined items as junk food.
  • Eat more frequently. The key here is to never let your metabolism “crash” by going hours without eating. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to skip breakfast—as this is the meal that ‘breaks the fast’ that your body goes into each night. Stick with eating small meals every few hours and always avoid stuffing yourself.

You should now understand why you are better off not wasting time on crunches—while it is important to exercise your abs a couple of times a week, you won’t expect fat to fall of that area after 100’s of crunches.

Do you want to flatten and sculpt your waist once and for all? Simply decide that you really want it. Commit to yourself—you deserve it.

See me for fat-blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will melt the fat off your abs, exposing shape and definition.

Call or email me today to get started.

By |2016-11-30T10:02:00+00:00June 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Get a better booty


Everything you need to know to shape up your booty for swimsuit season. Keep reading for the essential exercises that target your glutes to give it the shape and tone you’ve been wanting.

Better Booty Exercise #1: Hip Lift
A great exercise to work your glutes is the hip lift. To do this exercise, lie on the floor with your back flat, knees bent, and feet resting on the ground. While keeping your arms at your sides on the floor, lift your bottom and lower back off of the floor. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself. Repeat. To work your muscles even more, lift a leg in the air when you raise your bottom off the ground. Lower yourself and then repeat, lifting the other leg.

Better Booty Exercise #2: Leg Lift
To do a leg lift, lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow. Raise your top leg slowly into the air, as high as you can, so your legs make a “V” shape. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower your leg. Repeat 10 times, turn onto the other side, and lift the other leg.

Better Booty Exercise #3: Banded Shuffle
This is a great exercise to get your heart pumping and to work your butt. To do this exercise you’ll need an elastic sports band. Stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart and tie the band around your lower legs. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your back is straight, and your abdominals are tight. While in this squatting position, take several steps to the left, then several to the right. You may need to use your arms for balance, but your butt muscles should feel it the most.

Better Booty Exercise #4: Plié Squat
Another form of squat is the plié squat. If you don’t have an elastic band, this is the exercise to add definition and shape to your butt. Start by standing with your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed out to the sides. This is what ballerinas call the plié position. For balance, hold your arms in front of you. While keeping your back straight, slowly squat to the ground until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this for five seconds and stand back up. Repeat 10 times.

Better Booty Exercise #5: Lunge
A fifth exercise that targets the muscles of your butt, thighs, and hips is the lunge. Putting one foot out in front of the other, lower your body toward the ground, keeping your abdominals tight and your torso straight. Lower until the front knee is bent at 90 degrees and not extended past your toes. Stand back up and then extend the opposite leg and bend. Perform 10 repetitions. For an increased workout, hold dumbbells in each hand.

Better Booty Exercise #6: Run or Walk
Running or walking outside or on the treadmill are other great exercises that work your butt while giving you a cardio workout to burn fat at the same time. Make it your goal to exercise 30 to 45 minutes at least three times a week, including walking or running each time.

Burn, Baby, Burn! These exercises are excellent ways to burn extra fat off your butt while adding the definition you desire. Not used to working your gluteal muscles? You’ll definitely feel the burn the first few days, but the end result will be worth the effort!

If you’re serious about transforming your body then call or email today to set up a consultation with me. Together we will create the perfect program that will quickly get you into the body that you deserve.

Don’t wait – call or email today to get started.

By |2016-11-30T10:03:45+00:00June 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Egg & Sausage Casserole


Starting your day off with a breakfast that is low in carbs and filled with protein and healthy fiber is a key way to stay on track with your fitness and fat loss goals. Many breakfast options today are filled with simple sugars and grains which sets you up for a day filled with poor food choices. This recipe for Egg and Sausage Casserole is filled with all of the energy-packed ingredients you need to power your day, to burn fat, and to feel great. Enjoy the leftovers for lunch or dinner!

Servings: 6

Here’s what you need…

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • ½ cup onion, chopped
  • 4 links chicken sausage, sliced into ¼ inch rounds
  • 2 cups broccoli, chopped
  • ¾ cup shredded cheese, divided
  • 8 eggs, beaten
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a large casserole pan with olive oil.
  2. In a small skillet, place the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until tender. Remove from heat.
  3. In a medium bowl combine the tender onion, chicken sausage rounds, broccoli and ¼ cup of the shredded cheese. Spread this broccoli mixture over the prepared casserole pan.
  4. In a large bowl combine the eggs, milk, pepper, salt and most of the remaining cheese (save a handful to sprinkle over the top of the casserole). Pour the egg mixture over the broccoli mixture in the casserole pan.
  5. Cover the casserole pan with foil and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the foil, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and continue to bake, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, cool for 10 minutes, serve and enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 197 calories, 14g fat, 4g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 14g protein.

By |2016-11-30T10:04:38+00:00June 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why you gained in the gym.

Attractive young fitness model works out on training apparatus

You head to the gym because you know that exercise burns calories and helps you to shed extra kilos.

Knowing this, you may think that losing weight should be easy with enough exercise. However the truth is that if you aren’t accustomed to exercising and are out of shape, beginning an exercise program may actually lead to an initial increase in your weight.

This fact, however, shouldn’t stop you from exercising, as you’ll eventually turn the weight corner and start losing.

What is it about exercise that may cause some people to gain instead of lose weight?

Muscle: One of the main reasons exercising can lead to initial weight gain is that it promotes the growth of muscle.

If you are not used to working out and haven’t used certain muscles regularly, after exercising your muscles will be sore and will increase in size. While you may burn off fat, muscle is denser than fat. Therefore, the weight you gain is in your muscles.

Don’t sweat it. Since muscles take up less space than fat, your extra weight doesn’t necessarily translate to larger size. In fact, once you start working out, you’ll become thinner, even if you maintain your previous weight. Instead of using a scale to determine if you are slimming down, have your body fat tested regularly or measure your body at certain areas.

If you see that you’re losing inches, then you know you’re on the right track.

Cardiovascular activities like walking, running, or swimming will encourage the growth of lean, toned muscles. Other activities such as weight lifting promote the growth of larger, stronger muscles.

But there is good news in this. If you stick with the exercise program, your muscles will soon stabilize in size and after a time, become toned. After your muscles are strong and able to handle more strenuous workouts, you will be able to burn calories faster.

While it may be frustrating and disappointing to see the scale go up after starting an exercise routine, it shouldn’t stop you from exercising. You may just be building muscle faster than losing body fat. This can be especially true if you’re genetically prone to building muscle fast. The key is to incorporate bouts of cardio exercise in addition to strength training. That way you will burn plenty of calories during your routine and be more able to shed pounds.

Eating Habits: When you work out and burn calories, your body will feel the need to replace those burned calories.

This may make you feel hungrier than usual, which can cause you to eat more than normal—sometimes without knowing it. A good idea is to keep a food journal to track of the actual number of calories you are consuming.

You may also end up eating more calories and justifying their consumption since you’re exercising. After a good workout, you may see an ice cream sundae as a reward for the calories you burned. Just be careful. If you’re interested in losing kilos, you can’t simply break even with your caloric intake and the amount of calories you burn.

At the same time, eating too few calories can be counterproductive and slow your weight loss. Without enough calories, your body may slow its metabolism. So eat plenty to keep your body well fueled, but choose healthy calories that will help your body recover after a workout and grow stronger.

Hydration: Depending on the time of day you weigh yourself, the scale may read differently. Your weight can fluctuate as much as five kilos depending on the amount of water or food you have recently consumed or the amount of water you have shed in sweat. It is therefore important to weigh yourself at the same time each day.

My exercise programs are specifically designed to produce results quickly.

Call or email today to test drive a program that will get the numbers on your scale headed in the right direction.

By |2016-11-30T10:05:53+00:00June 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Zucchini Pizza Boats


Pizza cravings have derailed many well-intentioned dieters, so it’s essential to have a solution that doesn’t leave you filled with regret and excessive calories. This recipe for Zucchini Pizza Boats delivers all that you love about pizza – the flavors of basil, marinara, pepperoni and cheese – and swaps out the calorie-laden crust for guilt-free and fiber filled zucchini. Enjoy as a meal, an appetizer or as a snack.

Servings: 6

Here’s what you need…

  • 6 organic zucchini
  • ½ cup organic spaghetti sauce
  • ½ cup mozzarella, shredded
  • ¼ cup sliced olives
  • ¼ cup fresh basil, chopped
  • 35 grams uncured pepperoni, sliced
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease a shallow baking dish with olive oil
  2. Wash the zucchini and slice in half lengthwise. Scoop out some of the zucchini flesh to make little boats. I used a knife to slice down the sides and then a spoon to scoop it out. If the zucchini is soft then you won’t need to use a knife. Arrange the zucchini in the prepared pan.
  3. Spoon some spaghetti sauce in each zucchini boat and then top with mozzarella, olives, basil and pepperoni. Bake for 20 minutes or until the toppings are cooked and the zucchini are soft. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 90 calories, 4g fat, 10g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 6g protein.

By |2016-11-30T10:07:01+00:00June 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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